Weekly Horse Riding Lessons

About Our Equine Riding Programs

Our goal for our students is for them to develop confidence in their horsemanship skills in a fun, friendly, safe and educational environment! Our program has transitioned into offering lessons primarily to students that have their own horse or leased horse available to them, however there are a limited number of CRE lesson horses available for use. Click here for more information on our horse leasing program. Students are encouraged to become part of the dedicated rider program in which they board their own horse/or leased horse at our facility and commit to taking a minimum of 6 lessons per month.

Serious equestrian? Please read about our Dedicated Rider Program.

Students - Want to learn what it's like to own a horse, without actually buying one? Check out our lease program.

Types of Instruction Offered

Offering riding instruction in a variety of disciplines:

- Basic Horsemanship
- On the Ground Horsemanship
- English (basic English equitation, introductory dressage and jumping, hunt seat equitation/pleasure)
- Western (Equitation, Pleasure, Trail: competition & recreational)
- Western Dressage and Cowboy Dressage
- Speed Events (barrels, poles, intro. roping, goat tying)
- Halter & Showmanship
- We do not offer guided trail rides.

Lesson Pricing

All Beginner Group 1.5 Hour Lessons
- $80 per student per lesson (tack/horses provided)

Private 1 Hour Lessons
- $85 per student per for boarders
- $100 per student per lesson for riders that need a lesson horse and tack/ non-boarders

Semi-Private Group 1 Hour Lessons - 2 to 5 riders
- $65 per student per lesson for boarders
- $85 per student per lesson for all riders that need a lesson horse and tack OR are non-boarders

Weekly Scheduled Group 1.5 Hour Lessons - 3+ students
- $55 per student per lesson for boarders
- $65 per student per lesson for all riders that need a lesson horse and tack OR are non-boarders

Payments & Policies:

- No cancellation fee for canceling when sick for lessons!
- We accept checks, cash, Venmo, PayPal, and all major credits for payment
- All payments are due at beginning of each lesson
- We have a 24 hour cancellation policy, failure to notify will result in full charge of the lesson!
- Lessons will be cancelled if it is below 20 degrees, we will notify you, but feel free to contact us if weather is questionable.
- All riders must sign a release of liability waiver or a parent must sign if student is a minor.
- All rider's under age 18 must wear an equine certified riding helmet whenever they are mounted on a horse.
- Rider's over age of 18 have the option to wear an equine certified riding helment, however they must sign an acknowledgement stating that they are choosing not to wear.
- All rider's should wear long pants, boots with a heel (preferably no laces). Gloves are recommended for winter riding months.
- Pre-purchased lessons expire one year after purchase date.
- All pre-purchased lessons are non-refundable.
- All students that do not have their own or leased horse available to them to use for lessons must have approval from instructor Amy Prechter to utilize a CRE lesson horse in lessons.

Lesson Schedule

2025 CRE Winter Riding Lesson Schedule:

2:00pm Adult Horsemanship Class - Instructed by Amy Prechter
4:00pm Advanced Barrels and/or Pole Bending - Instructed by Amy Prechter

4:00pm Intermediate Speed Event / Horsemanship Class - Instructed by Jessica Howard

1:00pm (Select Wednesday's) Intermediate Horsemanship Class - Instructed by Jessica Howard
4:00pm Cowboy Dressage Class - Instructed by Amy Prechter/Justin Hanson

4:00pm (Select Thursday's) Intermediate Horsemanship, Bareback/No Stirrups and/or Beginner Horsemanship - Instructed by Amy Prechter

11:00am Groundwork/Trail/Horsemanship Class - Instructed by Amy Prechter/Justin Hanson
4:00pm (Select Friday's) - Speed Event Class - Instructed by Amy Prechter

Select Saturday's:
10:00am - 12:30pm - Beginner/Intermediate Rider Horsemanship Series

Select Sunday's:
To be determined

The Get Acquainted/re-acquainted horsemanship and beginner horsemanship classes will resume on a regular schedule in spring of 2025.

We DO NOT offer guided trail rides. Thank you.

Private and Semi Private Lessons:

Please check the Private Lesson Calendars to also understand when Semi-Private Lessons are available.

Please email (cedarridgeequines@gmail.com) or text (530) 263-3433 Amy directly to schedule private/semi private lessons.

Schedule Lessons


CRE Group Riding Lessons


Contact Us to Book Private Lessons

Private Horse Riding Lessons

Group Horse Riding Lessons

Bozeman MT Group Class Descriptions

(Not every class is offered year around, please check schedule for available classes)

Barrel Racing Accountability Classes

This will be a lesson series designed to aid students who are committed to progressing in their barrel racing (speed events) whether they are just starting out or have competed for several years. Lessons will be geared toward assisting students in setting 2025 goals and progressing towards these goals by developing a clear, individualized conditioning and exercise plan for horse and rider, further developing the partnership between rider and horse, providing an outlet for support and accountability.

To participate in this lesson series rider must have their own horse or be committed in a long term lease of horse. All ages are welcome.

Each horse and rider team will work through the process of developing an individualized obtainable plan with instructor to assist in meeting short term and long term goals that we will be setting in the first lesson. Instructor will evaluate tack/equipment, type/fit and identify any needs/changes that may need to be made for success. Each lesson will involve time on the ground and in the saddle.

Between lessons, riders should utilize this plan as a tool for their daily routines including, horse care, daily stretches, conditioning and exercises for (horse and rider), as well as for making traveling/competition plans if applicable.

Each rider will be given an accountability journal in which they will use to track daily routines (horse and human), horse care/health, progress towards goals, lessons/clinics taken, competitions, successes and challenges.

Each rider will also receive a CRE 2025 series shirt.

At each lesson session riders will be asked to share, reflect and discuss progress with the team on their journey towards meeting their goals, as well as any hurdles they may have encountered. We will then work through how to address these and continue along the path towards a successful journey/partnership with their horse.

We will have team support (through email/group text and or social media group) for those riders that would like to take part. They can share motivational posts/quotes/comments, questions, experiences, videos of exercises or runs to share with their team mates for reflection/discussion.

Lead Instructor: Amy Prechter

Dates to be confirmed as Spring/Summer Barrel Racing Events become available:
Friday, March 21st, 2025 4-7pm
Friday, April 18th, 2025 4-7pm
Friday, May 16th, 2025 4-7pm
Monday, July 14th, 2025 9am-12pm
Friday, August 22nd, 2025 4-7pm

Cost: $125 per lesson ($625 for series)
(Must participate in 4/5 lessons and meet lesson participation requirements to receive a belt buckle)

Register for Lesson Series

Barrel Racing Series


Monday, June 2nd, 2025

Monday, June 23rd, 2025

Tuesday, June 30th, 2025

Monday, July 28th, 2025

We will have a fun, new added opportunity for participants to compete for sidepot money and earn high points. Should participants participate in any of the offsite events listed, they will be eligible to pay sidepot entry fee per sidepot event and enter their fast time from event to win divisional money in each sidepot entered, as well as be able to earn high points from each individual sidepot race. To enter must identify which sidepot race, pay entry fee per division, identify which division/s and submit picture of results with your time to be entered into the sidepot.

Sidepots Events:
MSU Rodeo Spring Races (choose your best time from any of the race dates to enter)

Glacier Race July 11-14th (choose your best time from any of the race dates to enter)

Valley View Rodeo (choose your best time from any of the race dates to enter)

To participate CRE races rider must be actively taking lessons in any of our weekly group classes offered at CRE. This series is designated for boarders/leasers/students with their own horses who are active in our lesson program, however a limited number of CRE lessons horses will be available for a limited number of students (must have instructor approval). Any horses attending from offsite must provide proof of current negative coggins test and proof of current vaccine record.

We must have a minimum of five entries to run each CRE on site race. 4D Divisional cash payouts for each weekly race (5D with enough entries) Races will be held weather permitting basis and a rescheduled date will be added if race is cancelled.

Pee Wee (8 & under)
Youth (17 & under)
Open (all ages)

Time onlys available, 1 included in each entry fee, $5 for each after that.

High Point:
We will have a summer high point series for those of you that are interested in winning a buckle and other awesome prizes. Participants can participate in youth and/open high point divisions but must pay a one time fee for 2025 per division per horse and rider combination.

High Point Cost:
To be eligible for summer end high point awards you must pay one time fee:
$65 for the entire summer per division (youth and/or open)
$35 Pee Wees


Entry Fees for Onsite and Sidepots:
CASH, Check or Venmo payable day of competition
Open Entry Fee: $35
Youth Entry Fee: $35
Pee Wee Entry Fee: $15
Extra time onlys: $5 per run
(Each entry includes 1 time only)
$10 office fee per race or sidepot entry
Fee if utilizing a CRE Lesson Horse to compete: $35

Horsemanship Education & Accountability Classes

This will be a lesson series designed to aid students who are committed to progressing in their horsemanship and partnership with their horse, whether they are just starting out or have years of experience. Lessons will be geared toward assisting students in setting 2025 goals and progressing towards these goals by developing a clear, individualized conditioning and exercise plan for horse and rider, further developing the partnership between rider and horse, providing an outlet for support and accountability.

To participate in this lesson series rider must have their own horse or be committed in a long term lease of horse. The idea of this lesson series is to aid horse and rider in developing a partnership with their horse, provide a team of support for all participants as providing as well as creating an outlet for accountability and support for obtaining their identified goals.

At first lesson setting, each of the riders will identify what they would like to work on/accomplish with their horse, this will determine what will be the topics of each of the lessons in the series (examples: groundwork, trail work, equitation, trailering, competition, etc). Each horse and rider team will work through the process of developing an individualized obtainable plan with instructor to assist in meeting short term and long term goals that we will be setting in the first lesson. Instructor will evaluate tack/equipment, type/fit and identify any needs/changes that may need to be made for success. Each lesson will consist of time on the ground and in the saddle.

Between lessons, riders should utilize this plan as a tool for their daily routines including, horse care, daily stretches, conditioning and exercises for (horse and rider), as well as for making traveling/competition plans if applicable.

Each rider will be given an accountability journal in which they will use to track daily routines (horse and human), horse care/health, progress towards goals, lessons/clinics taken, competitions, successes and challenges.

Each rider will also receive a series shirt.

At each lesson session riders will be asked to share, reflect and discuss progress with the team on their journey towards meeting their goals, as well as any hurdles they may have encountered. We will then work through how to address these and continue along the path towards a successful journey/partnership with their horse.

We will have team support (through email/group text and or social media group) for those riders that would like to take part. They can share motivational posts/quotes/comments, questions, experiences, videos of exercises/rides to share with their team mates for reflection/discussion.

Each and every horse and rider team will have the opportunity to earn their very own Cedar Ridge Equine Horsemanship Lesson Series Participation Buckle should they meet the following requirements:

• Each horse/rider must participate in 4/5 of the lessons. If they must miss a lesson they will still need to turn in their accountability journal and discuss with instructor their progress/successes/challenges. We understand extreme circumstances do come up and will take each case by case should they occur. Horse substitutions may be made with instructor approval.

• Accountability journal will be turned in and checked for completion at each of the lessons.

• Rider must be kind, courteous, respectful to instructor/s and team members.

• Rider is actively working with their horse towards meeting their individualized goal plan.

Lead Instructor: Amy Prechter

Dates: (Dates are tentative and subject to change for weather/temperatures/events)
Thursday, April 7th 4-7pm
Thursday, May 15th 4-7pm
Thursday, June 3rd 4-7pm
Thursday July 17th 9am-12pm
Thursday, August 21st 9am-12pm

$125 per lesson ($625 for series) (Must participate in 4/5 lessons and meet lesson participation requirements to receive a belt buckle)

Register for Lesson Series

Beginner/Intermediate Horsemanship Class Series
Instructors: Jessica Howard /Vivian Ripley
At CRE we strive to provide a safe, fun and educational environment for all of students and horses. In our beginner/intermediate horsemanship class we will cover basic aspects of horsemanship both on the ground with horses and riding: On the ground students will learn horse safety, knot tying, grooming, tacking up the horse and so much more. Riding will include a warm-up, stretches, rail work and then students will work on horsemanship patterns. This class is designed for students with no prior to little riding experience as well as students who have had some training. Students will learn how to walk and trot. Students are welcome to ride English or Western. We provide all lesson horses and tack. Please visit with us ahead of time if you would like to bring your own horse to class.

Each student will receive an equine proficiency skill card, as students progress they will become proficient in what we will believe are necessary skills needed to progress into other horsemanship classes we offer. Once a student has become proficient in all required skills and has received a check off on each skill on their proficiency card, then they will be able to move into our intermediate horsemanship classes. All ages welcome, must be at least age 5. Classes will be canceled if temperature is 20 degrees or below. Participants will be divided into groups based on their background of horse experience beginner or intermediate.

Time: 10am-12:30pm
Cost: $200 per class
If class is full please add yourself to waitlist as we often have cancellations and/or may add additional classes if we have enough interest.

Dates TBD:

Get Acquainted/Reacquainted with Horses Group Horsemanship Class
Instructor: Jessica Howard/Amy Prechter/Justin Hanson
This class will be a six week series of a one time weekly horsemanship class. The content of the class will be geared towards individuals who maybe had prior horse experience and are wanting to get back into riding. Each class will build on each the next, we will cover everything from horse safety, grooming, tacking up English or/ Western, knot tying, leading, ground work and work into riding basic warm exercises, walk, jog/trot and eventually lope/canter as riders progress. Each riding class will wrap up with exercises/patterns/maneuvers off of the rail, we will wrap up with untacking/putting horses away. We will have multiple instructors/assistants available at this class. Our goal for riders would be that at the end of this series they would be able to graduate into any of weekly group classes offered at CRE and will be comfortable catching horse/grooming/tacking up and riding independently in a group setting. It is highly recommended that you attend every class, as each class builds from the last one. We will provide horses and tack for this class.

Time: 1pm-2:30pm
Cost: $85 per class - $415 for all 5 classes

Dates: April 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th


Cowboy Dressage Virtual Show Series
We are excited to announce that we will be facilitating the videoing of tests for the upcoming Cowboy Dressage Virtual shows! We hold them during our regularly scheduled Cowboy Dressage Class times!

Please make sure to note the following dates and visit CowboyDressageWorld.com to register for each of the virtual shows.

Please feel free to reach out with questions regarding how to submit entries, memberships, what to wear, what tests to ride. If you don't have a horse and would like to reserve a horse just let me know, we are here to help. We will help with video uploads/submissions of tests as needed. All video test ride dates could be subject to change if weather is not on our side. Sign up for video of test rides at CRE is available on the group lesson schedule. Arrive at 4pm, be tacked up and ready to ride at 4:30pm. We will warm up and then start on test rides.

$45 if you have your own/leased horse available
$65 if you need to use a CRE Lesson horse/tack

Virtual Test #1 (we will host if arena is dry and ready)
Wed April 23rd - Entries due with Cowboy Dressage
Wed April 30th - 4pm Video of test rides

Virtual Test #2
Wed June 18th - Entries due with Cowboy Dressage World
Wed June 25th - 4pm video of test rides

Virtual Test #3
Wed July 23th - Entries due with Cowboy Dressage World
Wed July 30th - 4pm video of test rides

Virtual Test #4
Wed Sept 3rd - Entries due with Cowboy Dressage World
Wed Sept 10th - 4pm video of test rides at CRE

Date to note: Cowboy Dressage World Finals-Rancho Marietta Ca. October 10th-12th, 2025

CRE Trail/Ranch Horse Competition:
Come join us for a fun, family, friends educational horsemanship event!

This competition is open to all ages of riders that are comfortable at the walk/trot and at a minimum learning to lope/canter. Western tack is recommended for this event. Students must have access to their own horse/leased horse or access approved by instructor from CRE for use of CRE lesson horse. This is a trail course competition, riders will be asked to perform a variety of maneuvers and trail obstacles, inside and outside of the arena. Each rider will be timed and judged, points for fastest time will be awarded, but the emphasis/majority of points will be given for quality/correctness of maneuver. If you are interested but not experienced in this type of event and want to learn more/better prepare you and your horse to compete in this competition, check our weekly extreme trail/ranch horse class. We highly recommend participating in this class to be prepared for this event. All horses coming from off site must provide proof of current vaccinations and proof of negative coggins test. We will have potluck lunch following event.

Open (all ages)
Youth (17 & under)
Must have a minimum of 5 participants to host the competition!

Cost: $75
$75 entry fee per division (Cash, check, venmo or prepaid online payment)

Must have access to your own/or leased horse, instructor approval to utilize CRE lesson horse

Date TBD:

Introduction to Speed Events
Instructor: Vivian Ripley
In the introduction to speed events class we will cover: 1st half hour is safety, grooming, tacking up the horse, followed by riding which includes a warm-up, stretches, rail work and then we will work on introducing the rider to speed events such as barrels, poles, goat tail tying, keyhole and other gymkana events. This class is designed for students who are interested in learning about speed events. Students should be fairly independent at riding, able to walk and trot independently. It is recommended that students have participated in our beginner horsemanship classes prior to starting in this class. Students will ride Western. CRE Lesson horses and tack available for this class. Ages 5 & up. Classes will be canceled if temperature is 20 degrees or below.
Arrive at 4:00pm to tack up, ride at 4:30pm

Heelomatic Roping Practice
This a fun team roping practice evening in which we will pull the Heelomatic machine around the arena. It is open to boarders, leasers, and individuals with their own horse. Great way to tune up your skills, start a young horse on roping or to learn to rope, something for everyone. Must have your own/leased horse available or approved access by instructor to CRE lesson horse.

English Equitation Class
This class will cover basic aspects of English riding: warmup, stretches, rail work and then we will work on English Equitation patterns, dressage work and/or introductory jumping. This class is designed for students who are comfortable at a walk and trot, and canter. Must have your own/leased horse available or approved access by instructor to CRE lesson horse. Class Available upon request.

Youth Beginner Horsemanship Class
We strive to provide a safe, fun and educational environment for all of students and horses. In our beginner horsemanship class we will cover basic aspects of horsemanship both on the ground with horses and riding: On the ground students will learn horse safety, knot tying, grooming, tacking up the horse and so much more. Riding will include a warm-up, stretches, rail work and then students will work on horsemanship patterns. This class is designed for students with no prior to little riding experience. Students will learn how to walk and trot. Students are welcome to ride English or Western. We provide all lesson horses and tack. Please visit with us ahead of time if you would like to bring your own horse to class.

Each student will receive an equine proficiency skill card, as students progress they will become proficient in what we will believe are necessary skills needed to progress into other horsemanship classes we offer. Once a student has become proficient in all required skills and has received a check off on each skill on their proficiency card, then they will be able to move into our intermediate horsemanship classes. All ages welcome, must be at least age 5. Classes will be canceled if temperature is 20 degrees or below.

Intermediate Horsemanship Class
This class is for students that are interested in fine tuning their horsemanship skills and is open to all ages as long as the student is confident at the walk, trot/jog and canter/lope and are welcome to ride English or Western. Class will consist of a basic warm up for horse and rider on the ground and in the saddle, followed by work on horsemanship patterns, obstacles, desensitizing, and training maneuvers for developing a softer feel and relationship with your horse. Must have your own/leased horse available or approved access by instructor to CRE lesson horse.

Adult Horsemanship Class
In the adult horsemanship class we will cover basic aspects of riding: warmup, stretches, rail work and then we will work on a horsemanship patterns. This class is designed for students who are gaining basic riding skills or perhaps have not ridden for awhile and wanting to build their confidence up in the saddle. Students will basic horsemanship safety and skills and will learn how to walk, trot and eventually canter. Students are welcome to ride English or Western. Must have your own/leased horse available or approved access by instructor to CRE lesson horse.

Cowboy Dressage Class
Instructor: Amy Prechter (Certified Level 1 Cowboy Dressage Clinician)
Must have your own horse/leased horse available to participate or approved access by instructor to CRE lesson horse. This class is open to all ages that are confident at a walk, jog and lope. We will work warm up working on gaits variations utilized in Cowboy Dressage, transitions, ABC’s fundamentals of Cowboy Dressage, riding the court/tests, and various maneuvers.

Advanced Barrel Racing/Pole Bending Class
This class is designed for students that would like to fine tune their barrel racing/pole bending/speed events. This class is open to riders that are advanced in their riding skills, actively competing in speed events and own their own horse, leased horse or have a CRE lesson horse available to them (please message Amy in advance for use of lesson horse). Riders must be comfortable and able to ride independently at the walk, trot and lope/canter in large groups. In each class students will warm up their horses and learn about the importance of warm exercises & fitness for themselves and their horses. The last portion of class will be spent working on exercises and/or barrel/pole pattern work. Allow for time to un-tack your horse after the lesson, must be able to tack up entirely on your own. Class is 1.5 to 2 hours in length depending on number of students signed up.

Equine Athlete Fitness Class
This class is designed for the competitive horse/rider in almost any discipline to help keep your equine athlete tuned and conditioned. Warm up stretches will be conducted for both horse and rider at beginning of the class. Exercises that teach proper balance and flex through turns, extension, collection, precision movements and understanding control over your mounts entire body are some of the aspects covered in this class. This class maintains controlled gates and does not include speed drills. Must have your own horse/leased horse to participate or prior arrangement for use of a CRE lesson horse from instructor of class.

Fundamentals of Speed Events Class
In the introduction to speed events class we will cover: 1st half hour is safety, grooming, tacking up the horse, followed by riding which includes a warm-up, stretches, rail work and then we will work on introducing the rider to speed events such as barrels, poles, goat tail tying, keyhole and other gymkana events. This class is designed for students who are interested in learning about speed events. Students should be fairly independent at riding, but we will have individual help available for those students that need it. It is recommended that students have participated in our beginner horsemanship classes prior to starting in this class or have prior riding experience. Students will ride Western. CRE Lesson horses/tack available. Ages 5 & up.

Combo on the Ground/ Equitation Fitness Class
This class is designed for the competitive horse/rider in almost any discipline to help keep your equine athlete tuned on the ground and in the saddle. This class will begin with warm up stretches for both horse and rider on the ground. Some classes will be taught entirely on the ground while other classes will start with groundwork and move to work in the saddle with exercises/maneuvers that teach proper balance and flex through turns, extension, collection, precision movements and understanding control over your movements and entire body position are some of the aspects covered in this class, as well as strength training for horse and rider to improve overall riding with an emphasis on equitation. This class maintains controlled gaits and does not include speed drills. Must have your own horse/leased horse/or access to CRE lesson horse available to sign up.

Extreme Trail/Ranch Riding Class
This class is open to all ages of riders that are comfortable at the walk/trot and at a minimum learning to lope/canter. Western tack is recommended, but students are welcome to ride English in select classes based on the class curriculum. Students must have access to their own horse/leased horse or access approved by instructor from CRE to use CRE lesson horse. This class is designed to introduce trail a variety of maneuvers and extreme trail obstacles to horse and/or rider. This class can be done entirely on the ground and is an excellent class for introducing a young/green horse to groundwork/maneuvers/desensitizing/trail obstacles. Some classes may involve introductory roping/tracking the Heelomatic/ flag work and eventually build up to the maneuvering live cattle in the spring (team sorting/penning/trailing/gathering and eventually roping).

Additional Classes can be scheduled by request!

For information on lessons PLEASE contact us!

Amy Prechter - (530) 263-3433